I Have a Weak Urine Stream — What Could it Mean?

It’s normal for both women and men to experience weaker urine streams as they get older, but it’s an issue that affects men more often, usually because of benign prostatic hyperplasia, a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. However, there are other causes behind the problem, medically referred to as urinary hesitancy. Some of these can lead to urinary retention, which can be potentially dangerous.

So, while a weak urine stream isn’t uncommon, it’s not something that you should ignore or expect to improve spontaneously. A visit to the Urology Center of Florida results in an examination, diagnosis, and treatment that will set your mind at ease.

Other causes of urinary hesitancy

Both women and men are susceptible to urinary hesitancy resulting from:

Women can also suffer nerve damage resulting from pregnancy that causes urinary problems, including a weak urine stream.

When to seek urgent medical care

On its own, a weak urine stream may not be cause for concern, but if it’s accompanied by other symptoms, it could be an indication of a more serious medical issue. Urinary hesitancy could be an issue if you also experience:

If your urine stream stops entirely, a condition called urinary retention, you’ll need emergency medical attention, since this can become a serious problem without immediate treatment.

Home remedies for chronic urinary hesitancy

If your issues with a weak urine stream aren’t acute, there are some things you can do at home to ease the problem. None of these are difficult, nor will they interfere with any prescribed treatments. Home care for urinary hesitancy includes:

If your urinary hesitancy comes and goes, maintaining a log of your symptoms may help you identify conditions that contribute to your weak bladder stream when it occurs, and it could be helpful to share with your urologist when you visit the Urology Center of Florida.

Treating urinary hesitancy

Your treatment depends on the reasons why you’re experiencing a weak urine stream. When the causes are unknown, there’s a wide range of tests that can assist your urologist, along with your medical history and physical examination.

Clinical tests could include urinalysis, urethral swabs, bladder scans, ultrasounds, and other diagnostic imaging. Testing for older men will typically focus on potential prostate problems.

Regardless of your age or gender, any changes to your urinary stream should be investigated to rule out serious issues and to relieve the underlying condition, if possible. As an experienced urology practice, the team at the Urology Center of Florida is your best choice when urinary hesitancy arises. Call the office or book an appointment online as soon as you can. 

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