Tips for Managing Incontinence Over the Holidays

Urinary Incontinence, the inability to control the urinary bladder, is a condition that affects many different people but is especially common among pregnant women and older people. About 13 million people nationwide have been diagnosed with incontinence, and it can come from a wide range of causes. For people dealing with this awkward condition over the holidays, there are ways to manage urinary incontinence and still enjoy time with loved ones.

Residents of the Fort Lauderdale, Pompano Beach, and Greater South Florida areas dealing with incontinence can rely on the years of expertise and experience of Drs. Craig Herman, Steven Kester and the capable staff of the Urology Center of Florida

Understanding urinary incontinence

The lack of bladder control that comes with urinary incontinence can be mild or severe depending on the type of incontinence and the cause of the condition. There are generally 5 types of incontinence: 

Several causes can lead to urinary incontinence including constipation, urinary tract infection, several foods, and pregnancy.

Managing holiday travel with incontinence

Here are some ways to make this holiday easier on this condition:

Plan ahead

Try as much as possible to be ready for the trip ahead and if necessary, coordinate with a specialist. Any medications or advice about dealing with holiday events should be gathered in advance. In case of long distance travel, mark bathroom locations on the route in case of emergencies and for plane or train travel stay close to restrooms.

Watch your eating and drinking

Some forms of incontinence can be caused by various foods and drinks. Things like caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, carbonated drinks, sparkling water, artificial sweeteners, chili peppers, citrus fruits and some medications can all contribute to bladder issues. Stay aware of trigger foods and adjust meals accordingly. If possible, bring foods for everyone to enjoy that don’t trigger the incontinence.

Stay hydrated

As crazy as it sounds, keeping a regular supply of water can help with bladder issues. When traveling, not drinking enough can lead to bladder irritation which can actually trigger incontinence. Be careful not to drink too much, but hydration is important for health on many levels including bladder control.

Reduce stress

Any number of things during the trip and at a gathering can cause people to stress out, and when dealing with bladder issues this can be problematic. Getting the right gift can be stressful as well as the trip itself and holidays in general cause their own form of stress. Avoid stressful situations whenever possible and when necessary, take some time away from the crowd to relax.

Know when to say no

It’s understandable to want to attend gatherings but if it’s not possible or too much stress to do, saying no is the right thing to do. Choose the holiday events you can manage and set time to enjoy the festivities, but not at the expense of overcommitting to situations that may only make conditions worse.

If you’re thinking about traveling and you need to manage issues with urinary incontinence, make an appointment with Drs. Herman, Kester and the staff at the Urology Center of Florida.

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